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Why Trump’s second term will be even worse than his first

Why Trump’s second term will be even worse than his first

Last night’s Harris-Cheney town hall truly demonstrated the threat that Donald Trump could pose if he returns to power.

Some people ask: Why do you think Trump’s next term will be worse than the last?

Here’s why.

1. Vance was chosen because, unlike Pence, he is willing to break his oath of office if it helps Trump exercise unlimited power.

2. The Supreme Court has now ruled that Trump is immune from prosecution if his crimes were committed in his “official capacity.”

3. When Trump won in 2016, he wasn’t ready. He had no plan on how to actually implement his extreme program. This time he has a whole book of plays. It’s called Project 2025.


4. In his first term, Trump appointed people who were shocked by Trump’s disrespect for the law and our Constitution. Now they are sounding the alarm and moving against him. This time he will appoint minions who are ready to carry out orders, no matter what.

Case in point. Trump tried to send the military to “crack skulls” during protests in 2020. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley backed down. Now Milley tells us that Trump is “a fascist to the core.”

Now Trump is threatening to use the US military to crush the “enemy within.” But this time there is no chance he will appoint people like Mark Milley to senior positions.

This is part of Project 2025: pre-screening possible appointees for personal loyalty to Trump.

5. Two big things Trump DID do in his first term: appointed far-right judges who overturned Roe, and cut taxes on billionaires and large corporations by several trillion dollars.

If he wins again, you can bet he’ll ban abortion and pass another giant tax cut for the rich.

To sum up:

As before, Trump will fight for women’s freedom to make abortion decisions and hand out trillions of dollars to billionaires.

But, unlike previous events, he will get the opportunity to fulfill his dream and become a dictator on the very first day.

Help stop Trump. Do your part to support WisDems in getting out the vote for Harris-Waltz.